Friday, March 9, 2012

Well went to the doctor yesterday and he put me back on my high blood pressure medication. Little bummed but you have to do what you have to do. Go in next week for blood work not worried about it, my blood work came back fine last time just don't like to fast. Anyway he told me what I knew he would say about smoking, Stop!!!! And I really am going to try (did smoke this morning already) It is really hard when Paul smokes too. All I can do is take it one day at a time, just like with food.

On a good note: Mike has his senior pictures tomorrow and my friend is coming over Saturday to help me finish up the graduation invites and help me create a new face book page for our Daisy Troop. Excited about that.

1 comment:

  1. I've never smoked but my mom did for 50 years before she just quit cold turkey. That's not for everyone. You're right, it's like food. You have to take baby steps. Maybe when the hubs goes out to smoke, stay inside. I've noticed a lot of smokers are coffee drinkers, too. Maybe you might have to give that up or cut back if you find yourself lighting up with that cup of coffee. Don't beat yourself up! Just remember how good you're feeling about the weight loss and how you'll feel even better without ciggies. You can do it! If all else fails, maybe one of those pills that help you stop might work. Good luck!
